Hey Family,
I hope you all see this cause I don't know how this thing works. I'm having a great time here and seeing tons of wild animals and meeting awesome people. I don't know if I'll ever go back to the states (just kidding). I even saw lions today!!! That was exciting. Today was the most amazing day ever, we visited this awesome hotel here and had lectures there and then had a traveling lecture through Amboseli National Park. So basically we got lectured on interesting stuff with wild animals in the background and a view of Mount Kilimajaro, which is a MASSIVE and beautiful mountain! I never want to go back to normal classes. The only thing I miss is hot showers, the ones here are really really cold. On a good note though, there are women who we can pay to do our laundry for us! Oh yea, and the Maasai people are so friendly! I'm looking for a guy to bring home ;)
I sent postcards to Mom, Paul, and Dad so far. I'm working on the rest of you, I bought them but just have to write them and mail only gets sent out like once a week, so you might not get them til after I get back (everything in Kenya is slow), but you will get them! One for each family.
Love you all!
P.S. you won't here from me again for a while, if at all, because the internet stinks here and we are going on expedition next week. But, the website for this program should be updated this weekend to talk about what we did the last two weeks if you want to check it out. Its www.fieldstudies.org and you can follow the links for kenya and news from the field or something like that, just explore.