Although many believed it was not possible (including myself), and many people often wondered what it would look like, this past weekend was the first time that I had my hair straighted...ever. I had some friends out visiting from NY, NJ, and PA (visitors? - shocking I know) but one of my friends decided she wanted to straighten my hair. We had to document each step of the miraculous process and here were some pictures.
Here is post blow drying - pre-straightening. I was pretty nervous as you can tell. An people wonder why I never blow dry my hair.....

It took a LONG TIME! Kate had to repeat with a straightener 3-4 times for it to finally be straight! This was about the point when our friend Tom was like it bad that her hair is SMOKING when you are using the straightening iron? Apparently that is ok... And for all the people who think I have short're pretty wrong!

And finally the finished product! Poor Kate had to be exhausted after but I didn't feel that bad because it was her idea :)

It was SO strange - I felt like I was wearing a wig all night! And then once I got in the shower it was all gone and back to normal curly hair. Here is a picture of the 4 of us at Pier 39 (I really never get sick of the sea lions!) Maureen was my roommate when I lived in NJ for first rotation and she left J&J, and Kate and Tom are 2 of my other good friends from the program - we had a great weekend! And last but not least, what type of host would I be if we didn't go to Napa. That is Andrea sitting next to me and she is one of the other ITLDPs who is based in California right now.