Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We had a wonderful time in Puerto Rico and I assume Maryellen and Michael did as well! Things have been busy, Claire hasn't been feeling great, and I have been a slacker about sharing pictures from our trip :-( So, I will cheat and send you over to Dans parents blog so you can see some good ones!

I hope everyone is staying warm today - it is freezing cold in NY and really nasty outside. Everyone be careful out there!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Tommy!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Tommy!
Happy Birthday to you!

We hope you had a wonderful birthday - did you do anything exciting?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Dave!

Happy birthday Officer Robillard! :) We hope you have a great weekend celebrating and enjoy your special day!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear David!
Happy birthday to you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

What a great day yesterday! Although I do think that it should be a holiday (companies can afford 1 extra vacation days every 4 years, no?), I watched the speech in the cafeteria with some co-workers. I had to laugh though because I was envisioning Sister P sitting there bawling and Kristin getting realllly mad that streaming wasn't working great. I thought his speech was great! Here was my favorite part:

Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions -- who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short. For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage.

I haven't had a chance to watch a lot of coverage (what did we do before Tivo?) so I'll catch up on that but I did watch some of the neighborhood ball and got goosebumps when Beyonce was singing 'At Last'.

What did everyone else think?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Breaking News...


In case you don't know about the iPod project - Kristin was determined to listen to every single song on her iPod so she has been listening to it on shuffle for the last couple of months (this makes riding in the car with her FANTASTIC!). On her way to work today, she finished the last of the 4,435 songs. This will make our lives much easier in Puerto Rico because we will not be forced to listen to random music the whole we are there.

I was hoping to have a little fun with this and do a little question and answer session, but I have been sooooooooo busy. Here are the answers to a few questions I did get to ask her.

What was the last song? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by Blues Travellers

Albums that will be deleted immediately - Outkast, a Bob Dylan album, and an AIR CD that a friend gave her.

And this was the end of the E-mail she sent announcing the finished project - "I don't even know what to listen to now. I listened to my radio station for the first time in a while!"

Post your questions about the iPod project for her to answer...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Starting the New Year with a Bang...or a Pop

How was everyone's NYE? What did everyone do? I hope everyone had a great start to the year. My day 100% did not go as planned and will go down in the books - but for no good reasons...let me walk you through my day. (Longest Post ever!)

The night before NYE my friends and I still didn't have our plans finalized which drives me crazy! We finally decided to make dinner and then go out where I live in Morristown. Sounds simple enough, right? I decided to wait to drive back to NJ on NYE for some unknown reason (probably because I'm lazy) which was probably a bad idea because of the snow.

Mom came in and woke me up to say goodbye before she goes to work at some ungodly hour - but there was no way I was getting up then. Peter decided at 7AM it was time for me to leave because the snow was coming and kicked me out! So by 7:15ish I was on the road. The drive got pretty messy towards southern CT and in to NY but I drove nice and slow with my very full car and made it to Morristown around 11:30ish, about 45mins longer than it normally takes. Not bad...still a good day.

I ran to the post office when I got in town and considered stopping to get a few more copies of my key made - one of my friends has a copy in case I ever get locked out but thought it would be a good idea to give one to my friends down the street who were watering my tree while I was gone. I decided to do that later...I had all afternoon! I got home and started unpacking my car and realized I had a flat tire (Problem 1). Not sure how I didn't notice it when I was driving but it was pretty flat! It was good timing because my friends were coming to water my tree and offered to help with my tire. I said I would just call roadside but they insisted on putting on my doughnut - who am I to argue? So its blizzarding (kind of) now, its freezing outside, and after 45 minutes they tire is still not off...great! I told them to quit and I would just call roadside...

While all of this was happening, my friends I had plans with called to let me know they didn't leave early enough and were stuck at their parents house in CT, so there go any NYE plans (Problem 2)! Mere convinced me to go to Hoboken and hang out with them for the night so while I was waiting for them I got all my stuff together so I could leave as soon as my tire got fixed and try to find a parking spot.

Finally the guy from roadside came (it was pretty sketchy - don't know if I'll be using Amex roadside again soon). He literally kicked the tire once and it fell off. I had to laugh because they guys had tried EVERYTHING to get my tire off and this guy comes and kicks it once and its done. This is about the point I said 'Oh s*it - I don't have a key to get back in to my apartment!' I had left in such a hurry to go meet the car guy I had grabbed my car key, not my apartment key and realized as soon as the door slammed from the wind that I didn't have it! And my friends had literally given me their key back an hour ago!!!! I was not happy - but the sketchy man from roadside offered to break in to my apt using a credit card. I agreed because hey, it would save me money! No luck - which was actually a good thing because I wouldn't really feel comfortable if someone could break in to my door using a CREDIT CARD! After he left I tried to break in to my bedroom window which also didn't work...great...

So I had a few options: I could call a locksmith or I could just drive to Hoboken and take Mere's key when I left on New Years day. I didn't have any clothes or my purse, my chrsitmas tree lights were on, and I had bought a bunch of steaks for my friends for watering my tree and those were out on my counter so I decided to call the locksmith. Thankfully the locksmith is around the corner and I didn't have to wait long. $95 later and about 35 seconds worth of effort I was in to my apartment!

I eventaully made it to Hoboken and we had a nice dinner at my favorite little restaurant across the street. Dan was nice enough to wake us up at 11:55, we took a shot to bring in the new year, and I was happily sleeping again by 12:15 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Friday I brought my tire in to get it fixed. Good news and bad news - they couldn't find anything wrong with it and it didn't cost TOO much. I had hit the worlds largest pot hole in Westfield earlier that week (my friends brother popped his tire on the same one a few nights earlier AND had reported it and it wasn't filled 5 days later! Its filled now though) and we figure that may have loosened the seel but it didn't start leaking until I drove on it for a while...

So some good things I took away from this experience:
1) Always listen to my gut - If I had just stopped to get another copy of my key!!! (They now have a copy!)
2) Beware of Westfield and the craters/pot holes they have when driving at night!
3) 3 Bad things happening on the last day of 2008 is better than 3 bad things happening at the begining of 2009
4) I didn't have to buy a new tire!
5) It is not possible to break in to my front door or bedroom window using a credit card

So there you have it...hopefully 2009 will be better! 2 more days till vacation and we can't wait to see Maryellen and Michael when they get there!!!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Some of my Christmas favorites

You can see all our pictures from Christmas Eve here, but here are some of my favorites! I think everyone did well with the swap this year.

Nice camera Dan - Santa must have known just what you wanted! :-)

A good shot of everyoneEmma loves to give hugs!
I think Cindy enjoyed the Patron - thanks for sharing Sarah!
Showing off the gifts before the final swap!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years! The Snider household just laid low for the night. Andrea came over and we went to dinner and then hung out at the house. Dan woke us all up before midnight and we watched the countdown. What did everyone else do?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Background

This background reminds me of Mimere - at the very least, I hope it makes you laugh!

Just something sweet.... :-)