Tuesday was not my day. There were horrible storms around 2:30 in the morning that had us wide awake, Claire slept right through them! As I was getting ready to leave for work I realized that my rain coat was in the trunk of the car. Not a big deal, except the car was parked 3 blocks away. It was supposed to pour so I needed my coat. When I get the coat, I realized we were parking in a No Parking Wednesday spot, which meant we would have had to move the car last night. We had a busy night planned so I decided to move the car at 6:30 AM since I was already there. No luck finding a parking spot so I gave up and ended up driving to work. Tuesday is my gym day, but I am always rushing to get out of Spin class, shower, and get to daycare before they close at 6:30. Since I had the car, I figured I would take Claire to the gym with me since we already paid for 50 daycare sessions. That plan backfired as I got called out of spin class not once, but twice, because Claire was pitching a fit. That also meant I didn't get a shower at the gym because I couldn't leave Claire. But, I was playing with Claire in the day care room at the gym to try and get her comfortable and guess what Little Miss Thing decided to do...
We finally had dinner and Dan had a condo meeting so I put Claire in the crib, jumped in the shower, then gave Claire a bath. I took her down to visit with the neighbors and Claire decided she was going to pull up on the neighbors coffee table. Like a proud Mom, I was saying, Wow - she has never done that before, this is a first....and down she goes. On her butt, fall back, and bump her head. Maybe I should have done without the rain coat yesterday....
On another note, I have been bad with the pictures so here are a few from this past weekend. And I put two new videos on Claires page.
What I love about this picture is that you can see the black raspberry ice cream on her top lip, the peanut butter ice cream on the bottom, and the orange sherbet coming in on the spoon. Would you guess that she was being spoiled by Kristin and Andrea at the same time?
These pajamas might be the cutest things I have ever seen, so I had to post them. Claire has her arms up waiting to give someone a hug. Hopefully that someone is you on June 20th!