....they should buy one of these for the lake!!!!

This weekend I found out the state park has a little beach/lake for $5. My biggest complaint about NJ is there are no pools so I was happy to see this. They had advertised the Wibit online but I had no idea what it was. For $3 for 30 minutes my friend and I tried it out (with about 8 little kids). It was the longest 30 minutes of my life and I have scratches all up my leg (no clue where they came from, I think the velcro). I must have fallen off trying to run across the little path about 12 times but it was awesome. Way harder than it looks - but worth every penny of the $3! We had a smaller version of the circuit above but the one below looks awesome too...

It would be an amazing addition to the lake....if we had piles of money sitting around with no good use of course :)
We can dream, can't we?