Sunday, February 27, 2011

Your thoughts

So what do you think??Yesterday marked 29 weeks pregnant - I find that hard to believe. So far I feel pretty good. Last weeks doctors appt went well, except that I have already gained almost as much weight as I did my entire pregnancy with Claire. That could mean trouble with 11 weeks to go - guess we will see. Otherwise I feel pretty good. By the time Claire gets to bed at night I am exhausted and usually asleep by 9. Lucky for me I only have 7 weeks of work left - and you better believe I am counting down the days!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thoughts and prayers

I am sure Emily would really appreciate your kind words as she conquers the tough road ahead of her. Emily is Cindy & Rays granddaughter (~12 years old) who was recently diagnosed with Large B Cell Lymphoma. She will begin her chemo treatments tomorrow. Her family has started a caring bridge site where you can follow up on how she is doing and send her some words of encouragement. Just click here and create a log in for her site. Don't be shy - just give your E-mail address to create a log in. Emily will be checking her site regularly and could always use some positive thoughts and words of encouragement.

We wish you well, Emily, and know you will get through this. Keep your head up and your smile beaming!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Claire had to remind me

As we were sitting down for dinner last night, Claire said she wanted to go back to Puerto Rico - and then I was quickly reminded that I never updated the blog on our trip. We had a blast and here are a few pictures (because I know all you really want to see if Claire)

The princess enjoying a snack by the pool - who has it better than her?
Playing at Luquillo Beach. Honestly, Claire wasn't a big fan of the sand OR the ocean. But she did OK at Luquillo because the sand was more compact and the ocean wasn't as rough.
This was the only time Claire got in the ocean. It took a lot of time to get her in, but once she was in, she was fine and enjoyed it.

Since the week we went down to PR wasn't the exact week Dad owns, we were in a different unit on the other side of the building. But that was fine, because this was our view.
I didn't lot time at the pool because of Claires nap because she loved to nap at the pool. Dan would usually lay with her until she was asleep and then we would put her on her own chair in the shade. She would sleep for a long time and wake up ready to swim.
Let me in this pool....
I couldn't resist this one - guess she has my genes when it comes to tanning. She got pretty dark while we were there and still has tan lines on her little tush. And I promise she was lathered in sunblock SPF 45 or higher everyday.
Claire keeping track of which room was ours by putting stickers on the door. And can we talk about how adorable her shoes are?
Strolling back from the beach
And she still loves her floatie. It was nice because we didn't worry about her in the pool at all. She actually went in a few times without us and was completely fine.
More snacking...
Smiles with Nana & Pipere!
And Claires final thought on Puerto Rico - 2 thumbs up!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthdays!!

The blog has really been slacking and we owe some people very special HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!

On February 4th, Maryellen and Peggy shared a snowstorm and a wonderful birthday. Insert sarcasm here as they both ended up in the ER two days apart on different issues. But the good news is they are both feeling much better now and I vote that you both have a re-birthday celebration on March 4th.

Today Gail celebrates her birthday - a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. It sounds like you guys had a wonderful time celebrating on Sunday, and I hope the celebrations continue.

And I will also add that 2 of the 3 birthdays were big and the ladies are now celebrating this...