Has it really been that long since I sat down to update the blog? Here's what we've been up to...
A week after being home from this hospital Dave, Becky, Gretchen, and Savannah came to visit. Claire enjoyed playing (and fighting) with her cousins.
The Snider grand-daughters, the grandson is due in September.
Jenna just hanging out - I think she was just about 2 weeks here.
During our trip to Massachusetts, Claire got to spend some time playing with Hayley while I visited with Megan.
Dan was trying to make his love for Phish wear off on Claire. She loves wearing her bandana.
So I bought Claire this shirt before Jenna was born and we finally got the matching shirt once Jenna was named. I was so excited to get them in their matching shirts, but unfortunately this was the best picture we got. Maybe next time....
Claires first trip to JJ's for soft serve - think she enjoyed it?
Another shot from playing at Megans house, love those baby blues....
Claire still loves her baby sister and constantly wants to hold her. Every night Claire asks us to lay Jenna in bed with her, and once we do she tells us to leave. They have a few minutes of sisterly bonding before bed.
Time for Jenna to start learning about Clemson - she's big enough, right?
Claire has not been so good about going to bed lately, but she is good about staying in her room. Honestly, we don't really care if she goes to bed, but we do make her stay in her bedroom. Ever wonder what she does in there - here's one example. She pulled Jennas bumbo seat out of the closet and put it in the rocker so she could be comfortable while reading...what a stinker!
More snuggle time
and helping us during bath time
trying to get some smiles before bed
You think we wore her out, this is how she fell asleep. I thought it was so funny that I grabbed the camera and totally forgot to move her into her bed. She slept like this for at least an hour before we remembered to move her to bed.
Do you think Jenna has any idea what she is in for?
A visit from Auna before her trip to Lake Tahoe. Andrea watched Jenna while Mom took a trip to the dentist. Fun times!
So we have been busy - visits from Dans family, a trip to Massachusetts, and a trip to Maryland to visit friends. It is nice to be home with no trips on the horizon until July 4th weekend.
Where has the time gone? - Claire is turning 3 on Monday.....3, can you believe it?? Let's celebrate on Saturday, July 2nd at 1:30 PM on Wishing Well. We will have drinks, BBQ, swim, and have some more drinks. Sounds like my kind of afternoon with family and fun.