Oh, my little Jenna-bug. I cannot believe it has been a year since you graced us with your presence. You bring so much joy into our lives and we can’t remember what life was like before you were born. You are like your sister in so many ways, yet so different in many other ways. You hit your first birthday with 7 teeth, pulling up and cruising and having taken your first step. In the week since your birthday you found your balance and now walk much better. At your one year appointment, you were 18 lb 5 oz, 28.25 inches long, with a 45 cm head circumference. In other words, you are still a little peanut. We just finished packing up your 9 month clothes, although some of them still fit. You are still wearing a size 3 diaper, but it is almost time to move up. You got multiple shots at the doctors, and you were not a big fan. Although you only cried in the office for a few seconds, we heard it from 10:30 that night until 3:30 the next morning - it was the worst night we have had EVER with either child. Mommy & Daddy said we were going to drop the bottle and formula the day you turned one, but that didn’t happen – Daddy was concerned with that transition. You are not thrilled with the sippy cup yet, although you know how to drink from it. We have started mixing half milk and half formula in your bottles, you get 3 a day. And you get milk in a cup with dinner. You are only interested in eating a few things – the cheddar cheese puffs are your favorite, although you take down a lot of goldfish and crackers as well. For breakfast you will eat cinnamon bread, a waffle or a pancake. Like your sister, you love your yogurt and will eat that all day. Once in a while you eat some meatballs and you love turkey kielbasa. Pasta doesn’t really interest you – I thought all kids loves macaroni and cheese. Claire can make you laugh and any time – you are absolutely enthralled with her and her antics - your eyes follow her every move. Unlike your sister, your sleeping pattern leaves a lot to be desired – you have no set nap schedule. Sometimes you fall asleep for a nap as early as 9 and other days it is not until noon or later. An afternoon nap is hit or miss unless we are out in the stroller or driving around – both knock you out. Bedtime has become quite and chore and we are going to fix that soon. You, my friend, cannot put yourself to sleep. You have always fallen asleep while drinking your night time bottle, but that has started to change and the days you don’t fall asleep on the bottle, Mommy & Daddy battle with you. When we put you in your crib, you scream and scream – jumping up and down and not letting yourself calm down. We have let you go as long as 20 minutes but you show no signs of calming down. You are warm blooded like your Daddy and you are always sweating. If we pick you up after your screaming, sometimes you pass out instantaneously so we know you are exhausted. Just let yourself fall asleep – I promise it is a good thing. Sleep training is definitely in our near future. Mommy better bring the ear plugs home for that one. The doctor did show a little concern for the fatty deposit that has found it’s way under your right eyelid. She recommended we see the eye doctor to make sure it is not affecting your vision or making your eye lazy. Fingers crossed that everything is fine and the bump is not hurting you – we will find out soon enough. We hope you had a wonderful birthday celebrating with such wonderful friends and family. It was certainly fun watching you rub frosting all over your face.
Happy 1st Birthday Jenna Marye !
*Update* - We took Jenna to the eye doctor and got both good and bad news. She was diagnosed with a dermoid cyst over her right eye. Dermoid cysts are benign and just a cluster of cells that developed in utero and ended up landing where they did. The good news is the cyst is not affecting her vision at all - no astigmatism. The bad news is the doctor recommended that we have it removed. Being located where it is - we have to see a plastic surgeon who specialized in work around the eye. There is no rush to have it removed, but we were reminded that the younger we have it done the less she will remember. So that will be added to our to do list.
And - we let Jenna cry it out tonight. She didn't fall asleep on her bottle so we put her in the crib and let her cry. After one hour and 25 minutes, one diaper change, and one clothes and sheets change because she worked herself up so much she threw up - she is finally asleep. Here's hoping each night is better than the last!
*Update* - We took Jenna to the eye doctor and got both good and bad news. She was diagnosed with a dermoid cyst over her right eye. Dermoid cysts are benign and just a cluster of cells that developed in utero and ended up landing where they did. The good news is the cyst is not affecting her vision at all - no astigmatism. The bad news is the doctor recommended that we have it removed. Being located where it is - we have to see a plastic surgeon who specialized in work around the eye. There is no rush to have it removed, but we were reminded that the younger we have it done the less she will remember. So that will be added to our to do list.
And - we let Jenna cry it out tonight. She didn't fall asleep on her bottle so we put her in the crib and let her cry. After one hour and 25 minutes, one diaper change, and one clothes and sheets change because she worked herself up so much she threw up - she is finally asleep. Here's hoping each night is better than the last!