So, once I got back to work and looked at the calendar I realized several of you should have been highlighted on the blog for anniveraries and birthdays. So... Happy Birthday Ray!
CORNHOLE!!! I am sure Dan has probably played it, I guess its really, really BIG in the midwest. We just might be planning something kindasorta like it for VT, but maybe not... You should ask Paul and Andrew, they won the "2007 Kaleva Cornhole Invitational", they even have the trophies to prove it.
My plaque is hanging proudly on my living room wall. I give Mobeus 8 high fives every time I come home. It is a great game though - I still need to make some boards.
Well I can finally get in.... I have been having a terrible time leaving a message.. Happy Anniversary to Peter & Peggy.. and Nicole and Brian...Oh yes and Ray had a wonderful Birthday...Love to all !! Cindy
ok.... i waited long enough for someone to remember Tina and Ted,s 25th aniversary, That is a long time with one person as menny of you know. Happy Anoiversary Tina and Ted..............
Big celebrations! I hope everybody had a great time on their special days!
Hey Nicole and Brian...what is this game that I keep hearing about. Will it make it to VT?
There is a new game out there? I have not heard anything about it! What is it?
Congratulations Mom & Dad, and Brian & Nicole!
Happy Birthday Uncle Ray!
I am sure Dan has probably played it, I guess its really, really BIG in the midwest. We just might be planning something kindasorta like it for VT, but maybe not...
You should ask Paul and Andrew, they won the "2007 Kaleva Cornhole Invitational", they even have the trophies to prove it.
Great job Mare!! Happy days to all..
My plaque is hanging proudly on my living room wall. I give Mobeus 8 high fives every time I come home. It is a great game though - I still need to make some boards.
Well I can finally get in.... I have been having a terrible time leaving a message..
Happy Anniversary to Peter & Peggy.. and Nicole and Brian...Oh yes and Ray had a wonderful Birthday...Love to all !!
I don't know about this cornhole thing, it didn't look too exciting when I saw it. I hope you prove me wrong though.
Happy belated Birthday Ray, and congrats Peter and Peggy and Brian and Nicole!
ok.... i waited long enough for someone to remember Tina and Ted,s 25th aniversary, That is a long time with one person as menny of you know. Happy Anoiversary Tina and Ted..............
Happy Anniversary Tina and Ted!! Sorry we missed it, when was it?
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