Friday, July 24, 2009

Laughs for a Friday

So, if you haven't seen the Today show today, or the CNN article yesterday, or heard anyone talking about it - you need to check this out:

Over 1.3MILLION hits in 4 days, they were on the Today show, and the entire bridal party will be on again tomorrow to perform.



Nicole said...

OMG, that was hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it was GREAT Tina

Don and Peg said...

I saw it on the Today show this morning too. Fantastic. How come you and Dan didn't do that?!? Peter and Don would have danced our way down the aisle while Aunt P. sang and did handstands!!! Would have had this group beat by a mile!

Don and Peg said...

OK, how did you copy this into the blog now that cut and paste doesn't work?

Andrea said...

You have to embed it - go on youtube and it gives you the code to embed it in to a blog - just copy and paste that!

Anonymous said...

I just got this in an Email what a riot