Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Pool Pics

So, last week Meredith asked me to go to Toys R Us to pick up a baby pool. So along I went last Friday to the massive Toys R Us in Time's Square. I went in the morning to get a jump on all the crazy people that go in there, but alas, they were closed. I guess they open up at 10 instead of 8:45 when I arrived. After my day at work, I went over there to pick it up. Good thing Meredith sent me a picture of it because I would have no idea where it was. I went in and showed the print out to about 3 people before I go it. Surprisingly, I was in and out of there in about 15-20 minutes. The only thing I forgot was a pump to blow it up. So on Saturday morning, Meredith and Claire went out to pick up a pump. They got home, we blew it up, and filled it with water. Since Meredith went out for our 5th Anniversary on Saturday, Andrea was nice enough to stay at our place and babysit Claire. She took her out to the pool and I think Claire was in the pool for about an hour or so. Here are those pics......

This pink dolphin was not Claire’s favorite since you can hook a hose up to it and make a “fountain”. Meredith thought this would be a good idea so I hooked it up and she turned on the water. She turned it on pretty high and soaked Claire with cold water, which she did not like.

Andrea and I yelled at her to turn it down, but she could not hear us (as we were getting wet too) and left it on. Eventually she turned it off and then Claire was happy again.

So, after Claire had her fill of the pool, we pulled her out and dumped the water. She will be getting in the pool again soon.


Peg and Don said...

Is that is your 'backyard' at 813?

Anonymous said...

We're bringing our suits over!

Don and Peg said...

So only Meredith went out for your 5th anniversary, huh? Why did Andrea need to babysit?!? Ha!!! I like the pool and the dolphin. But cold water... C'mon, give Claire a break! Great pictures too. But of course they'd be great pics!

Andrea said...

Oh yes - and a great backyard it is! And the water in the pool was not cold - you'd be surprised how quickly 3 inches of water can warm up. On Sunday we had to put more cold water in because it was too warm.

But she loved it - as you can tell from the pictures her game was take all of the bath toys, throw them from to one side of the pool, get in the side of the pool, throw the toys to the other side of the pool, and back and forth we went!

Julie said...

the pictures are adorable! I laughed out loud picturing Claire, Dan, and Andrea being sprayed by a dolphin. I hope it was as funny as it is in my head. I love seeing all the pictures of Claire on here, keep it up! Miss you all!

Becky S said...

Gretchen wants to join you!

Paul said...

COuld you hook a keg tap up to the dolphin?.... Just throwing it out there... Could be a lotta fun... "Dan why are you making out with the dolphin in that picture..."

Anonymous said...

How cute...She looks like she is having a lot of fun..
Cindy & Ray