Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthdays!!

Yes, I know I am late, but better late than never.

Happy Birthday to David (Saturday)
Happy Birthday to Tommy (Monday)
and while I'm at it.....
Happy Birthday to Uncle Michael (Wednesday)

I hope everyone is enjoying their birthday celebrations. For those of us who could not make it - how was the party Saturday? And how is Emma enjoying being a big sister?


Gail said...

The party was great! Uncle Davis was surprised and everyone had a good time!!

Gail said...

The party was great! Uncle Davis was surprised and everyone had a good time!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday everyone and remember you dont get older you get better.... Well some of us do.....Love to you all Tina

Anonymous said...

Birthdya Greetings to all my favorites..Aunti P

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday To Yo
Love Cindy & Ray