Friday, February 26, 2010

Sometimes it's just not your day............

So, we've got probably about a foot of snow so far from this storm and I'm home with Claire since her daycare is closed along with all the other schools in Hudson County. But Meredith as works for the power company, she has to go in. And as luck would have it, she is on "storm duty" this week, so she has to work 7a-7p up in Westchester. I'll let her e-mail to me explain the rest of the story...........

So, what did you accomplish before 7:12 this morning? Not even sure I can explain the morning I've had, but I'll try (maybe you need a Friday laugh)! Last night Claire was exhausted so she went to bed early and the house was quiet by 745. Dan and I watched the Olympics and American Idol and I was asleep by 845ish. Just after 9 I heard Dan say - Meredith, your company phone is ringing, then the house phone rang. Lucky me gets to be on call for storm duty once every 8 weeks and don't you know I'm on call this week. I was told to report to Westchester for a 7A - 7P shift on Friday. So I wake up long enough to find the address where I'm supposed to go and write out directions. I decide to take my personal car up as opposed to the company car so I don't have to leave much earlier to catch the trains and bus to my office in the city where my company car is parked. Working for a utility there aren't snow days and we are expected to be at work at 7AM - no matter what! I decide to get up at 445 to ensure I have PLENTY of time to get where I need to be. I sleep alright and am out the door at 510 to find Hoboken clearly missed the memo about the snow because they haven't even plowed the main street. But I get to the car to find I can't get the doors open to get the scraper. I'm trying to clear the snow to get to the door handle and don't you know I fight for a good 10 minutes before getting the front passenger side door open. All the snow I cleared went right into my pocketbook so everything was soaked. I wanted to start the car to warm things up but I was on the passenger side and needed to reach the clutch. So I jump over the seats, start the car and then begin cleaning the snow which was process in itself. Get thing cleared, sit down in the driver seat only to notice I hadn't put the windshield wipers down, they were still sticking straight out. Get out of the car again, fix the wipers, come back to a driver seat full of snow and finally rock my way out of the parking spot. Now all I need is coffee and a donut to start the day on the right foot. Stop at DD, parking in the middle of the street, drop my keys on the snow and bury them only to walk into DD to find they have ZERO donuts!! Are you kidding me? Oh well, coffee will do, I can always eat when I get to my 12 hour storm duty shift. As I am driving away I notice the driver side windshield wiper isn't moving so I pull over to make sure all the snis cleared. No go - the windshield wiper on the driver side is broken - Sweet! It is now 550 so I call to let them know I might be a little late to storm duty and decide to take my personal car to the office and grab my company car for storm duty. Ever drive in the snow without wipers? As I near the office the phone rings letting me know daycare is closed. Oh how sorry I feel that Claire and Dan are going to be home all day. Get to the office and have to clean off my company car, get settled and off I go. It's 633 now so I should be where I'm going by 715ish. How, you ask, do I now have time to update you on this lovely morning that I've had? I got a flat tire on the company car and am sitting on the side of the road in the Bronx, where I've been for almost an hour, waiting on someone to come pick me up. How I would really love a donut right now!!


Andrea said...

And for those of you not on FB, a Tow Truck did come rescue her and had nice encouraging words such as: Mr. tow truck driver just told me I don't need a GPS - God is the best GPS and parting words from Mr. tow truck driver - remember what I told you. Go to church every Sunday, and remember...a family that prays together stays together.

They aren't showing the Today show here because of the 'breaking news' that is this storm and they just said there are 30,000 outages in Westchester!

Good luck Mere! Hopefully Dan will have a dozen donuts waiting for you at 7PM!

Nicole said...

oh boy! Good luck today. Hopefully things have gotten better for you than they were a few hours ago???

Anonymous said...

HI Meredith... Well all I can say is I hope you had wonderful weekend.... Spring is coming.....

Auntie Paula said...

Oh my goodness...what a day..thanks for the laugh you just gave my office staff...hope you had a restful weekedn..Love you auntiP