I wanted to get a dialogue started about Family Weekend 2010. I am really looking forward to it, and am curious if anyone else is? Anyone have any ideas about the when and where for this year. Lets get moving so we can make sure as many people can come as possible!
Good call Nicole - let's get a date down and mark the calendar. I think we usually do the first weekend on August or last weekend of July, is that correct?
yeah mere, it usually is. I was hoping maybe we could do it another weekend this year. Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
They tell me I am in charge so ....
Questions to consider....do we want to go to Vermont...(Meme may not be able to handle all of us)
If we stay in Springfield???
Let's hear from everyone..even those of you who don't like to admit you check the blog....
Since you are in charge auntie P, I found out the last weekend in July is now fine. I don't care where we have it. It may be too much for Meme? I really like it in VT.
I like Vermont too but we certainly cannot have family week end without Meme...so it seem we probably should have two or three..the 2 generation will be there for the wedding...the 3rd generation might want to plan a no drinking week end..but we should definilty plan something for Springfield....any one else out there got a suggestion????
I don't know who put you in charge
but better you than me
dads birthday 7/31 should be family weekend and it should be in vermont
We can talk about during easter weekend
I'm in for the second generations weekend
I will moniter the no drinking idea
no name needed
Well no name...Dad would not want us to have family week end without Mom while we still have her.....you can supervise a week end in Vermont on Dad's birhtday but it willnot be the official family week end....no name need 2
I vote that we have it in Ghana. There's a nice lake, the largest man-made one in the world in fact, here that is comparable to Lake Champlain and I'm sure I could find accomodations for Meme if you can get her here. And, no one would have to worry about the weather being too cold or anything.
I'm just saying...
also no name needed, but my name is there anyway
Shut up uncle David, you're not the boss os us anymore...!!!
Now paul Be nice..uncle David gets to have an opinion...and to some degree he will always be boss..after me that is...Aunti P
That was not me (Paul) in that last comment.
I am down for family weekend whenever, the 1st wkd in August is probably better for me bc i have a wedding on 7/25 and am taking Monday off work after it. So an off weekend between would be good.
We should all hang out and tell a bunch of jokes. Does anyone know that one about the bus driver and the deaf chick? "by the dairy? no the chocolate factory..."
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