Sunday, August 08, 2010

This picture has taken on a whole new meaning in our house this week for two reasons - first, check out the previous post. Claire is still doing awesome and we haven't had a pee pee accident since Wednesday.

And we'll caption this picture Goodnight, Sleep Tight, you know the rest....

well, the bed bugs haven't gotten Claire but they have sure eaten me alive and a little bit of Dan. I had heard they were running rampant in New York, but the thought never crossed my mind that we would get them - but we did! Last week I noticed some bites but didn't think anything of it. By Wednesday night Dan had done some research and we found one of the tell tale signs - little blood drops on our sheets. So now we are dealing with that (which is neither easy nor cheap). But I won't bore you with those details, other than to say we believe they are confined to our bedroom and Claire is just fine.

And below are two videos - Claire finally got the ABC's down last week - all the way from A to Z and the second video is her swimming at my parents house and jumping off the diving board. We tired her our so much she fell asleep eating before we left and then slept the entire ride back to Hoboken and went to bed an hour and a half later.

Now off to let the bed bugs bite...


Andrea said...

Love both of the videos!!!! You should have told her sing happy birthday Gretch!

Kristin said...

Great videos Mere. She is quite the swimmer huh?