Monday, April 25, 2011

37 weeks and counting....

Another doctors appointment down and our last ultrasound to check on little Miss Snider before she decides to make her arrival. Of course today was the first day I have been home on maternity leave that Claire let me sleep while Dan got her ready for school and I had to set my alarm to get up for my 9AM doctors appointment. Hopefully tomorrow Claire will let me sleep again...yeah right! Anyways....everything looked good at the doctors, blood pressure was 120/70, her heart rate was 145 bpm, and I gained 2 lbs, bringing my total weight gain to 23 lbs. Next week starts the internal exams to see what is going on. Our doctors like one last ultrasound to check size, positioning and fluid levels. This afternoon I picked up Claire from school and we took her to the "hostable" as she calls it. There really wasn't much to see since the baby is so big, but she is head down, face down (which Claire was not), and the fluid levels were good. They estimated her size at 7lb 4oz, which is exactly what they said for Claire and she was born at 7lb, 5oz. Let's hope they are right on again :-)

This weekend Mom and Dad came down and we did some serious cleaning. Dan and Mom were a champ and I think the house is ready for this baby. Today I finished all the laundry and I can not believe how many clothes Claire had. Now, we just need a name. I promise we aren't holding out on sharing the name - we are nowhere near deciding on one.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter - we missed you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What's been going on....

This week I finished work and started my official maternity leave. I am so lucky to work for a company that puts us off work a month before our due date. It gives me some time to relax and get things done at home. Everyone asks what I am going to do while home, and I don't plan on doing much. Thursday I slept until 9:30 and Friday I slept until 10:30, after getting up and getting Claire ready for school. Claire hasn't seemed to notice that I am here in the morning and goes to daycare just fine. We are both much happier with me home relaxing and her at daycare.

This weekend we headed down to Andreas on Friday afternoon and spent the night there. Saturday morning Andrea and I went for much needed massages and we got all of our newborn clothes washed. We are lucky to be having another girl born in the same season - we plan to reuse everything. Sometime this week I will buy another changing table and get it set up in our bedroom, and Mom & Dad are heading down this weekend to help us get things ready. We are onto our weekly doctors and last week everything looked good. Blood pressure was good, weight gain was at 22 lbs and the doctor predicted I have at least 3 weeks left. I head back tomorrow for another check up and next Monday we have our last ultrasound to get the babies size and positioning. Time is a flying....

In the meantime, Claire has decided she wants to look like Cousin It - she wanted to wear Dans vest and I guess somewhere along the way she pulled her bow out of her hair. This was the result...

And here are a few weekly shots for you from 34-36 weeks.

And Claires latest trick is pulling her shirt over her head. She usually leaves her arms in, but I think she was getting ready for a bath when she did this.
And just another day at the park, checking out the city...

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Friday, April 01, 2011

Fundraiser for Emily!

Stolen from Mandy...again :)

Check out Emily on the news!

Here are the details about the fundraiser:

Benefit for Emily:
Banding Together For Emily
What: Pasta Dinner & Variety Show
Where: Granby High School, Granby CT
When: May 7, 2011
Time: Pasta Dinner 5pm - Variety Show 7PM
Pasta Dinner Only: Variety Show Only:
Adults: $10.00 Adult: $15.00
Childern: $7.00 Children: $10.00
Under 5: Free Under 5: Free
Pasta Dinner & Variety Show:
Adults: $20.00
Children: $15.00
Under 5: Free
There will also be a Basket Raffle if you would like to participate in that.
If you would like to buy tickets, contact Meghan or contact Sue Sojka at