Friday, April 01, 2011

Fundraiser for Emily!

Stolen from Mandy...again :)

Check out Emily on the news!

Here are the details about the fundraiser:

Benefit for Emily:
Banding Together For Emily
What: Pasta Dinner & Variety Show
Where: Granby High School, Granby CT
When: May 7, 2011
Time: Pasta Dinner 5pm - Variety Show 7PM
Pasta Dinner Only: Variety Show Only:
Adults: $10.00 Adult: $15.00
Childern: $7.00 Children: $10.00
Under 5: Free Under 5: Free
Pasta Dinner & Variety Show:
Adults: $20.00
Children: $15.00
Under 5: Free
There will also be a Basket Raffle if you would like to participate in that.
If you would like to buy tickets, contact Meghan or contact Sue Sojka at

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