Friday, May 13, 2011

More updates

*Update* - Jennas bilirubin levels were down slightly to 10.7 so we were discharged around 7:30 PM. Claire came to the hospital with Daddy and was happy to bring her baby sister home. We will take Jenna back to the hospital in the morning for one more blood test.

Where do we start - I feel like we have been at the hospital forever, but it sounds like we are breaking free tonight.

The name...Miss Jenna Marye Snider. Dan & I had decided on a short list for first names - Jamie, Jenna, Emily, or Abby. It was just a matter of meeting this little girl before we decided for sure and we definitely made the right choice. Jennas middle name was Dans grandmothers first name - pronounced Mary, spelled Marye (there's a story behind it, but I'll let Don explain so I don't mess it up).

Claire has been up to the hospital twice and has enjoyed loving on Miss Jenna. Claire generally pays attention to Jenna for about 15 or 20 minutes and then seems to lose some interest. There is just too much going on. Kristin arrived yesterday to meet Jenna and will be around for the weekend. Pipere arrives from Germany tomorrow night.

Also yesterday morning the pediatrician let me know that Jenna had a mild case of jaundice, with her bilirubin level at 10. He wanted to make sure I was pushing fluids on Jenna and wanted her levels to be tested again Thursday night. She is breastfeeding great and also taking a bottle as part of her feeding. Last night around 11:30 her bilirubin came back at 11.7 - boo for it going up and not down. Around 3AM, the nurses woke me up to let me know they were going to put her under the lights. I woke up around 6 and asked them to bring her in so I could feed her. She had a great feeding, took a bottle and we sent her back to the nursery around 8 AM for another blood test and to be put back under the lights. I passed back out until almost 10 and then found out her levels went up very slightly to 11.9 :-( Now I was getting worried that they were going to keep Jenna and discharge me, but we had to wait for the pediatrician to make his rounds after lunch before we knew anything. After getting up and showered, I asked to nurse Jenna around 11:00, but she was passed out under the lights so we waited a little bit. Just as I was finishing up nursing her and giving her a bottle, I wheeled her back to the nursery just as the pediatrician was walking in. He recommended we keep her under the lights until 6 tonight and then he will order another blood test. Assuming her levels don't shoot up - we will be free (all of us!) to discharge tonight. BUT, we have to bring her back first thing in the AM for one last blood test.

Claire enjoyed giving Jenna a bottle

and so did Auntie Kristing
Claire wasn't really into the pictures as you can tell

Claire was pinching Jennas cheeks to give her a better kiss.
I felt much more rested on Thursday
You can see the yellowish tinge to her skin here - poor thing!

Under the lights on Friday afternoon - hoping this helps!
Can you see how yellow she is around her little eyes where the mask was?
We're still keeping our fingers crossed that tonights results are the same if not lower than they were this morning - we would really love to bring Jenna home with us tonight. Say a little prayer for us...we will keep you updated once we hear something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures, what a lovely family..
I know Jenna will be very happy to spend time with her Aunty Kristin...enjoy your visit...

Love and Kisse to all
Auntie Cindy & Uncle Ray