It has really been a crazy couple of days. We'll start with Andrea flying out to Los Angeles last week to work and finalize a place to live, which she did successfully. She was set to fly out of Newark and into Hartford because she had a wedding shower to attend on the Cape Saturday. No problem since the Snider family was heading to Massachusetts for the weekend as well so here was the plan - Andrea take a car service to the airport and at some point during the week Dan would drive me to Andreas house and I would pick up her car and then Dan and I would take 2 cars to Massachusetts, Meredith heading up Thursday and Dan on Friday. This was followed by a brilliant idea by one of my girlfriends......let's get away for the night! Wouldn't that be wonderful, a night away with no kids.
So the planning began....which of our girlfriends could make a last minute trip to Atlantic City work? Three of us made it work, but that meant we had to find someone to watch Jenna Thursday and Friday because she hasn't started daycare yet. The plan was to meet my Dad halfway and do a baby hand off. This would be our first time away from Jenna for any length of time, but I could use a night away and what the heck? We were heading to Massachusetts Friday anyways. So Wednesday, on my birthday, I drove to meet Dad, had a wonderful lunch and left without a child. Only problem was Dad and I both hit traffic from an accident that closed down the highway 1 exit away from where we were going - and oh yeah, while I was sitting stopped on the highway I noticed my gas light was on. Awesome.... Oh well, it was a long trip but still well worth it.
I enjoyed a quiet ride back to Hoboken, picked up Claire from daycare, picked up Dan from work and we were off to Morristown for a birthday dinner and to pick up Andreas car. Of course when we got to Andreas house and it was now time for me to pump, I realized I forgot an important part of the pump at home. So back to Hoboken we went. Thursday I got up and picked up my friend to head down to Atlantic City. We had a wonderful time - no luck at the casino, but the food and company was excellent and the uninterrupted sleep was even better. But as we got down to AC we started to get a little nervous about this storm that was coming. And by the time we left on Sunday, we were evacuating with the rest of Atlantic City and the casinos were closed or preparing to close. Now I was trying to think through a plan for the Snider family - Hoboken is right on the water, and while the street we live on is one of the few streets in Hoboken that is not in a flood zone, there is still the potential - and did I mention we have lots of things stored in our basement, that would flood with lots of rain? It would have been easy to just decide not to head up for the weekend, but there were 2 little problems - #1, I would prefer to ride out the storm with the family together and Jenna was not with us. #2, Andreas car had to get to Massachusetts so she had a way to get back to NJ. After much thought, Dan and I decided we wanted to be in NJ to ride out the storm and wanted Jenna with us. So we planned to drive halfway to Massachusetts (again!) to pick up Jenna and ride out the storm at Andreas house. The drop required Dan and I to drive separate cars to CT, and then Mom & Dad to drive separate cars to from CT to Mass. Before heading out we packed for the weekend and prepared the house as best as possible. We started our trip at 5PM and arrived at Andreas at 11:30. I packed the flashlights, radio, snacks - Dan packed the beer. I think we are now settled at Andreas and are awaiting the arrival of Patrick, Sara, William, and Jack. They are under mandatory evacuation and will hunker down with us.
And don't worry, beside the kids, Sara and I have brought with us the most important thing - our supply of breast milk. Forget the food in the freezer, if you thought I would leave behind the supply I have worked so hard to build up you are crazy!! At least if it is with me I have the chance to get it on ice if we lose power. So here goes nothing - wish us luck!!
All of you in Western Mass stay safe as well. Keep us posted and we will do the same.
final update maybe?
13 years ago
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