Monday, July 02, 2007

Family weekend beverage choices


I know this has been a highly debated subject the past two years. Are we going to get a keg and if so, what kind of beer would everyone agree on drinking? I guess we should try and get the answer before we all ascend to the camp and have a big "discussion" about it, like always. I guess all options are open as of right now.

Discussion can begin now!


Andrea said...

I vote for something really Bud Light or something....or PBR

Paul said...

Do they make keg's of Colt 45 or King Cobra? Those would definitely do the trick...

Peter said...

The idea of getting 40's so we can drive somewhere else is NOT a good one. If we are going to drink we need to stay put. Let's be responsible and not drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

I think a beer like Labatts blue
or bud light PBR NO !!! We have to get a beer that the rest of our guest will drink.colt 45 baaaaddd
king cobra never heard of it

Anonymous said...

I think a beer like Labatts blue
or bud light PBR NO !!! We have to get a beer that the rest of our guest will drink.colt 45 baaaaddd
king cobra never heard of it