Thursday, April 19, 2007

Media Coverage of Virginia Tech Massacre

Does anyone else find the pictures released yesterday of the Virginia Tech killer very disturbing? Is there really a need to publish all of these pictures, especially the ones where the gun is pointed at the camera?

Just curious how people are feeling about that...I am disturbed!


Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith, I agree with you.
I do not feel they should put that on is very disturbing, it gives him the last say....He was very sick and unfortunately
we have more like him in the world. This just reinforces their thoughts and encorages them. We need to concentrate on helping the families.. Show the world the wonderful people that got killed and how their families are suffering and will for ever...Nothing good can come out of this...

Andrea said...

I agree - its disgusting! I have been following all of the news stories very closely online and yesterday I stopped after I saw those pictures that NBC put up - I was shocked that they would post those! And CNN put the scariest one right on their homepage! I was happy this morning to see that it had changed to remember the victims. I was looking on the CNN blog and a lot of people were saying the same thing. Yesterday on the Today show they interviewed a girl who was at Columbine and now at VT and she said the best thing the media can do now is to back off and give them space as a community to grieve. At first they need to report the news but now that that part is done back off!

Nicole said...

While I agree the pictures are completely unnecessary and quite frankly disgustingly morbid and creepy, some of the other information he sent to the media gave us a glimpse into his deeply troubled life. It is very sad so many people knew about how mentally unstable he was, yet no one did anything to help him. in his "manifesto" he talked candidly about his struggle with depression and deranged thoughts and how he wanted help and nobody was there. This is what happens when people downplay mental illness, it is the same as any other illness, left untreated it will get worse. If anything hopefully colleges will take a closer look at the services provided to students, both in protecting them, and helping them.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Nicole. We have to take care of people and make a difference before things happen. Mental illness is a very real thing and only we can make a difference by thinking very hard how we treat people. Some people need TLC there is good in all. finding it is all of our jobs.

I Love you all Tina