Sunday, December 06, 2009

The hunt for the perfect Christmas Tree

So we decided to switch it up this year and me, Claire, Mere and Dan went to cut down our own Christmas trees today. Here are the lessons learned:

- Go early, otherwise you have to wait forever to drive up a one way muddy road (1 car up for every 2 down!)
- Bring work gloves, because the trees and prickly, and they hurt - dish gloves work well too!
- Two trees won't fit on one car - there was some discussions on this and we ended up taking one car and Dan had to run back after lunch to pick up the 2nd tree
- Make sure to get all of the ice off of the tree BEFORE they net it, because mud and white carpets don't mix well
- The trees will look MUCH bigger in your living room than the did on the field! We knew we were in trouble when we brought the tree in to my apartment and cut the net. It was HUGE!!!!!

Here is what it looks like after Dan chopped a bunch of branches off of the bottom.

Here is Mere and Dan's - it's from Mere's blackberry so it isnt' too clear but you get the idea!

So if you haven't purchased your tree yet, just remember it's going to look way bigger in your house than it did outside. Merry Christmas!


Peg and Don said...

I think your tree is BEAUTIFUL! No joke. We used to chop down our trees back in the day. We actually dug a couple up. Talk about underestimating the size of your tree. It took three men to carry one of those trees into the house. BUT it was a beauty

Peg and Don said...
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Meredith said...

At least we have tall ceilings to accommodate this monstrosity. I woke up this morning and thought - nope, it wasn't my imagination, this tree is HUGE!!

Looking forward to putting the lights on and decorating (with gloves). I learned that lesson the hard way

Meredith said...

By the way - nice star! :-)

Julie said...

Very nice. It's going to be weird not having a tree this year. Paul suggested I cut down a bush and put random stuff on it, haha. Maybe I'll do that.