Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What the dilly yo ?!?!?!?!?!

Can someone please post the schedule of family get togethers on the blog?  I have no idea when we are meeting up and whatnot.  BTW I got the best yankee swap gift AND I now know the actual rules so we won’t go through a fiasco again.  The reason I know the rules is because at our retail dinner last night we did one and my huge bottle of black sambuca got taken by the number one – and I ended up with a regifted gift basket.  At least the chocolate covered pretzels are delicious!


Paul Bordua

Shawmut Design and Construction

560 Harrison Avenue

Boston, MA 02118

p. 617.622.7444

f.  617.622.8444

c. 617.592.2350



Meredith said...

Hey Paul!

The plan for this weekend is to get together on Saturday at my parents. I am not sure of the exact time but my guess is late afternoon, maybe 4ish?? I will let you know tomorrow a definite time. I am figuring the kids will hang around late into the night playing cards, and doing the things kids do.

I hope this clears it up some!

Andrea said...

I dunno Paul - I am going to have to challenge you on the claim of best swap gift - since I actually get to particpate this year I am pretty confident about my choice...I guess time will tell!!!

Meredith said...

OK, here's the deal...

Arrival at Wishing Well Way begins at 4 PM and dinner will be served at 5:30

See you soon!