Thursday, July 26, 2007

Busy Busy!!

I thought you might find some of these pictures interesting. Last Wednesday we had a steam explosion in Manhattan. I started this week working nights from 7PM - 7AM. I am now back on the day shift, but I am not sure my body knows that yet. The explosion site is still a work in progress. It will be a long time before they can determine the cause of the accident and get the street restored.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Vermont!


Dan said...

No pictures of you directing traffic?

Andrea said...

I'm still amazed the person in that tow truck was not the person that died!!! That is crazy!

Peg and Don said...

What a mess! We wondered whether the accident would have any effect on your work schedule, Meredith. Post a picture of you directing traffic! C'mon.. we want to see..

Dan said...

Meredith is "off" today (Friday the 27th) and is working nights this weekend. 7 PM - 7 AM. Then back to regular schedule on Monday morning. At least she'll have all day Sunday to catch up on sleep and trying to get her body back into the swing of things. I'm guessing that she'll have a day or two of not feeling right. I guess we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith...Hope you are feeling better and your body adjusted back to day's !!!Thanks with sharing the pictures with us....What a mess..
Love Cindy