Friday, July 13, 2007

New York City

I just wanted to let everyone know that as of Monday I will be moving to New York City – most likely Manhattan or Brooklyn. I am going to be working in the field on a flagship Apple store at 14th St. and 9th Ave in lower Manhattan. I’m very excited and looking forward to seeing Meredith and Dan a lot more. Although I will be working a lot of hours, anyone who wants to come visit is more than welcome to stay with me any time. Wish me luck finding a place to live, I’ll keep the blog posted!



Anonymous said...

Hi Paul, that sounds wonderful...You will Love NY...are you working for the same Company... I am very proud of you !!
Love Cindy

Anonymous said...

hey paul congrats im sure you will have a blast down in ny.. let me know if you need help moving or anything.

Anonymous said...

hey paul congrats im sure you will have a blast down in ny.. let me know if you need help moving or anything.

Amy said...

Congrats Paul,
I can't wait to come visit!

Paul said...

So I got my apartment. It's a decent sized loft in Brooklyn. Anyone have any extra furniture lying around? If so please call me I will be swinging by Springfield with my Uhaul to pick up the dog and could use some furniture too.

Julie said...

you need a whole Uhaul to pick up the dog??? lol

Anonymous said...

hey Paul, that is great, I am really proud of you. Have fun in NY, Brian and I can't wait to come visit.

Paul said...

OK I'm settled in - I really like the place. Living on my own is pretty awesome in itself too. I'm not getting cable either so I will be playing a lot of music and hopefully video games - I'm in the process of getting guitar hero.

So lets see - I have my full bed, a twin matress, two air matresses, and a futon. So anytime anyone wants to come up and stay at my place you definitely should - just let me know a couple days in advance.