Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who's the Teachers Pet?

It looks like we have a teachers pet in the family! I have finally gotten back on the gym track with Dan. While I can't work out as hard as I previously did, the doctor says it is fine for me to still go - spinning class and all! :-) Because it is the beginning of the year and everyones New Years Resolutions are still fresh on their minds, the spin classes are packed. There are about 40 bikes in the room and you have to sign up for a specific bike 30 minutes before class starts. Yes, Dan and I always sit next to each other in the front. The way the room is set up is an instructors bike in the front, on a pedestal looking out at everyone, and then there are two semcircles of bikes facing the instructor.

Well, yesterday, our teacher was being nice and trying to accomodate one late straggler into class. So, he walks in, points to Dan and tells Dan to take the instructors bike for the class! It was pretty funny to see him up there looking out at everyone - just like the model student! But he did a great job and we had an interesting walk home as Dan told me about everyone in class who was slacking off and had no idea what they were doing. It was pretty funny!

Great job, Dan! Way to be the teachers pet! :-) I mean, really, who cares if it is only at the gym??


Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith,. I loved your little note, as I was reading it I was laughing so hard I was crying....keep up the good work... I need a laugh now and then..

Love Cindy

Anonymous said...

Wow dan you are way to manly.. did you wear the special spanky pants with the padded bum bum?

Peg and Don said...

Dan the man with his can in the spinning seat hasn't ran. Thought I could really rhyme that and have it make sense? No way! How about this: Dan, we'll bet, he doesn't sweat. In fact, he's never wet, cause he's the teacher's PET! That works... Meredith will like this one. Plus, he's set now that he roots for the NY Met(s) and NJ Net(s)!