Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thanks Claire!!!!

So, just curious if anyone else is sick this week. I'm not sure if it really was miss Claire that decided to share her cold with everyone but it sure feels like it!

I was out of work for a day and a half and still don't feel good. I went to the urgent care place near me and got some drugs and am now trying to get rid of my cold and sinus infection before my 6 friends come for the weekend tomorrow!

Mere and Dan aren't feeling well, Kristin is just starting to recover sick, Peggy is starting to come down with someone and Peter is also starting to get sick. I would steer clear of 60 Wishing Well for a few days!!!

How is everyone else this week?


Meredith said...

Don't blame it on the baby. And I would rather have a cold than the flu. It seems like a few people got the bug right before Thanksgiving.

I hope we are all feeling better soon! We take Claire back to the doctor tomorrow for a check up

Peg and Don said...

Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Blame the baby..... Sing it... Get it?

Anonymous said...

our little Emma has also been sick. Vomiting and the big D. She was here when Memere had her mini stroke the other day, and when Sarah said she had a temp she responded that "I think I had a stroke" They are always listening. PS I was at the cassino making a donation when Gail stayed at my house with Memere and Emma, thank goodness as Emma got sick all over Gail. Love Maryellen

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say it wasn't the Leger kids! THIS WEEK we've all been healthy!!! (knock on wood)

Anonymous said...

Mere, I don't remember my sign on that we just did . Do you still have the christmas elf site and if you do please post it on the blog thanks Gail

Julie said...

I've been sick for the past few days, but I was blaming it on another baby, maybe I should be blaming Claire... hmm... too many sick babies around me.

By the way, word of advice, don't take nighttime cold medicine if you are about to sit in a classroom for 4 hours.