Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jennas Surgery

We made it through Jennas surgery - woo hoo!! After all was said and done I think it was definitely worse on Dan and I than it was on Jenna. Early last week the surgeon called to let us know he had a morning cancellation and would we be interested in moving up the surgery from 10:15 to 8:30. Hmmm, let me think about this - yes, please! So we were up and out early and at the hospital before Jenna even realize she hadn't eaten. She was so cute in her little hospital gown and kept all of the nurses entertained as she ran around the waiting area giggling. The surgeon came to visit us before his first surgery and asked about the two cysts (I had called him earlier in the week letting him know I thought there were now 2). He took and look and said it definitely looked like two, but he had never seen that before. Interesting.... Shortly after 8:30 they came to get Jenna and I was able to suit up and carry her back to the operating room and stay by her side until she was knocked out with the gas mask, which she took surprisingly well. I gave her a kiss and headed back to wait and wait. It was probably a good 20-25 minutes before the surgeon showed up to let us know that everything went well, but it was only one cyst. His exact words were - the cyst was huge. We're not even talking black olive size, it was the size of an eyeball and it is a very good thing that you had it removed now. He said there was no doubt in his mind that it would have eventually burst, so I am very very glad we decided to have it removed sooner rather than later. A few minutes later the nurse came in and I heard Jenna crying down the hall. They led us back to the recovery area where we were able to be with Jenna. I think she looked great, but she did not enjoy coming out of anesthesia at all. She still had the IV in her foot and the little sensor on her toe. She sucked down 3 bottles of Pedialyte and then alternated between very fussy and sleepy. The nurse eventually gave her some Morphine and she fell asleep for about 30-40 minutes. Just as she was waking up again they wheeled us back to our room in the waiting area and she was back to her normal self and running around. We got our discharge instruction and we were off, dermoid cyst free :-) 

Surprisingly, her little hands have no interest in touching her eyes or pulling at the stitches. We are supposed to keep it moist and put on some ointment twice a day for a week and she does not mind at all. Thursday she was bruised pretty badly and had a little swelling but everyday since it has decreased. We are so pleased with the results and can't wait to see how it looks once it heals completely.   

Heading out to the hospital
Jenna is not quite sure what all the fuss is about
Heading back for anesthesia
In recovery - finally calmed down with the help of some Morphine and her bunnies
Headed home from the hospital
Sunday afternoon nap - 4 days post surgery

When her eyes are open - you would never know she had surgery :-)

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