Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Slow Blogging Day....

The blog has gotten a little slow, so how about hearing how everyones New Year is going!! Maryellen, do you have any more elevator comedian jokes?? I love them!

Dan and I have found a new addiction....spinning class! Sitting in a dark room, pedaling away, music blaring, envisioning the "hill" we are climbing up. Doesn't that sound like fun! On MLK Day, I dragged Dan with me to try out the first class because I was afraid to go alone. Why? I have no idea. Dan was ready to kill me the next day because it hurts your butt to ride a bike for that long. Since then we have each gone to class a couple more times. It is very addicting and hopefully is something I will stick with since I can no longer attend my step class :-( I plan to go to spinning class tonight (if I finish my homework)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day....Stay Warm!!

1 comment:

Peg and Don said...

You really need to update this blog and make it worthy. There are no pictures and few updates. I'd encourage everyone to send a picture of something theydid during the week or over the weekend, then you can post the most exciting thing(s). Now that you are in class, you'll likely have no time to handle this though.

I was on our blog for almost 3 hours collecting pictures and adding them with captions. Peggy couldn't believe I spent that much time with it. I hope to add a counter too (maybe tonight) so I can tell if people really do check it out.

Have fun spinning and enjoy your classes. Tell Dan to quit whining about his bony butt too!