Sunday, September 16, 2007

Uncle Dan & Aunt Meredith

Over Labor Day Weekend, Dan and I took a trip to South Carolina to meet our niece. Dan's brother and his wife, Becky, gave birth to Gretchen Nicole Snider on August 6th. We were so excited to finally get to meet Gretchen. Everyone has been asking for pictures, so here you go....

As you can see, Dan was a little surprised that the baby was a month old and only as big as his foot. I hope Gretchen laughs at the picture someday!

Now for the serious picture!

Let the spoiling begin...

Andrea was also in town. We made the baby run on Saturday, catching up with old friends from college who all have babies.


Anonymous said...

it is absolutely against the rules to kick babies dan

Andrea said...

I would definitely not be laughing if Dan's foot was that close to my face.....ew ew ew