Friday, August 22, 2008

Rough Start #2

Seriously - Who's next?? Andrea had her rough start and I had mine. Hopefully no one else will have one. Let me first set the scene - Claires Uncle Dave, Aunt Becky, and cousin Gretchen are visiting us through Sunday. It was a feat to get the house clean this week, but we managed to do so. Dan picked them up from the airport yesterday and got back to the house around 9. Gretchen usually goes to bed at 8, so after she met Claire for a few minutes she ate dinner and we set the Pack & Play up in the nursery so she could lay down while the adults enjoyed sushi and good conversation. Dave & Becky are staying at a hotel but we decided it would be easier to just leave Gretchen here for the night since she was already passed out. Good thing we managed to get the house clean since she is a crawler!!

Claire had a quick feed while Dan was at the airport at 8, but it wasn't the usual late feeding she gets before we put her down for the night, and by late I mean around 9 or 10! We laid Claire down while we ate and don't you know she passed out! I woke her up around 10:30 to put on her pajamas, but she wanted nothing to do with eating. I debated just putting her down for the night, but I was nervous she would get up in the middle of the night and I knew I would already be getting up early with Gretchen. But, I put her down since she wouldn't wake up to eat. Dan left to bring Dave & Becky back to their hotel and I cleaned up from dinner, grabbed the baby monitor (excited to use it for the first time!), and went to bed. I just knew I would be getting up in the middle of the night to feed Claire!

Sure enough, Dan and I are awakened and staring each other in the eyes at 1:15 AM. It wasn't one of those romantic eye stares because something just woke the both of us up out of dead sleep. We heard the loudest sounds of glass shattering very close to us. I quickly realized that Dan's framed diploma fell of the mantel in the bedroom and completely crashed. Claire hadn't flinched even though it all happened right next to her cradle. So, there were Dan and I sweeping the floor at 1:15 AM because there is broken glass all over the floor. Of course it had to happen the first time we have had a crawler in the house - what are the chances of that? I had a meltdown blaming myself because I had moved the diploma to dust the mantel and I must have done something to cause this mess! We finally got it all cleaned up and I went back to bed wondering how in the world we are going to get his diploma fixed. It had etched glass and I bet the only place we can get it fixed is Clemson. I stopped worrying and got myself calm enough to get back to sleep, just as the baby monitor died on me, making an annoying noise. Are you kidding me???


Andrea said...

I bet you can ship it back down there to get fixed! And Maybe this time Dan can correct the type of frame so you can properly hang them next to each other! ;)

See you in a bit!

Anonymous said...

That Stinks Mere! I am sure that it can be fixed. Have a fun weekend with Becky Dave and Gretchen!

Anonymous said...

Don't sweat the small stuff. It can be fixed I am sure.Everone is O.K., but it is a drag. Give my little Claire a big kiss for me Maryellen

Peg and Don said...

What did you do to Dan'd diploma?!? Hahaha... I bet this was a blast. Too bad this didn't happen while Andrea was baby sitting them at the same time. She'd have gone crazy. See you in a couple of days...

Andrea said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence!!!