Sunday, September 14, 2008


I am sure we are all looking forward to another family wedding this weekend. I hope Tommy and Sarah have a stress free week as they prepare for the big day!

And I will leave you with a few more pictures for you all to enjoy. Claire has become very interactive and loves to smile! Every day when we pick her up from day care she gives us a big smile. She will only be in day care three days this week because Claire is taking a field trip to Grandma and Piperes house on Wednesday. Yes, we are letting her leave us for two nights! I don't know who will have more fun - Claire or the grandparents??

Claire has definitely found her thumb. This is how we often find her these days... Remind you of anyone?
Our field trip of the weekend was apple picking. We took a hay ride and then spent some time in the apple orchards. Dan had a good process - walk up to a tree, pick an apple, taste it and if he liked it we would pick some apples from that tree. If not, we walked to the next type of apple to repeat the process. Can you tell how much Claire loved picking the apples?

Have a wonderful week! :-)


Andrea said...

Why hello mini-Kristin

Anonymous said...

AWWWW....she takes after her favorite aunt Kristin! Hopefully she quits before 4th grade huh?

Anonymous said...

I was a thumb sucker and can still remember the comfort it gave me. Tried it a while ago.. just not there any more. Can't wait to see you all. Love Maryellen

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great keep it up I love to watch her grow love auntie Gail