Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

What a great day yesterday! Although I do think that it should be a holiday (companies can afford 1 extra vacation days every 4 years, no?), I watched the speech in the cafeteria with some co-workers. I had to laugh though because I was envisioning Sister P sitting there bawling and Kristin getting realllly mad that streaming wasn't working great. I thought his speech was great! Here was my favorite part:

Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions -- who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short. For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage.

I haven't had a chance to watch a lot of coverage (what did we do before Tivo?) so I'll catch up on that but I did watch some of the neighborhood ball and got goosebumps when Beyonce was singing 'At Last'.

What did everyone else think?


Anonymous said...

Well i canot speak for Kristin but i did have a few tears..I thought it was amazing..we had a Amereican Celebration for lunch...Hot Dogs and beans...I made a red white and blue cake..and wore red white and blue...the consenses of opinion here is it was a good thing hilary did not win becasue i was off the wall enough with Obmama winning...all and all it was a great day...I thought his speech was perfect .. but the greatest thing was seeing all the people...wasn't crazy about her dress in the evening but loved Sundays...stay warm pray for the president...Auntie Paula

Anonymous said...

Totally Awesome! I ended up going to lunch at that time because was cutting out so badly. I went to a little sandwich shop that I knew had a TV. Definetely shed a tear. And I liked her dress - I love her as much as I love him. I also wore my red white and blue hippie helmet and a red sweater to be patriotic! Amazing!!

Andrea said...

I liked the dress but I think I liked Jill Bidens better - I thought that red dress was gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Joan and I watched it from 10:30 until almost 3. It was positively amazing. Looks like we have a new Jackie O.

The only complaint I had was the poet, not the poem itself, which was extraordinary, but the delivery. I couldn't help but think of Maya Angelou when she spoke at Clinton's inaguration.

Dan said...

The inauguration was good - but I had it on TV from about 9 until 4 PM. To me, the coverage was a bit superfluous as they didn't really have much to talk about aside from after the speech.

I'm just happy the inauguration is over and we'll see how the Obama administration does things. That's what I really care about.

wirefall said...

Very interesting times indeed... I am proud to be alive in these times.
However, I did hear one disturbing report that this inauguration rang in at over $130 million, more than the past four inaugurations combined!
No hard figures though, just something I heard.

Gail said...

I thought it was a wonderful day. His speach was inspirational. I feel like he is going to work very hard to get this country back on it's feet and change our image around the world. We need to pray for all the politicians that they can work together and put our country first.
Also I thought she looked eloquent in all of her dresses she has great taste.
and the cost of the inauguration is concerning I wonder if that will change when he is elected in 4 years!

Andrea said...

Interesting article on the reported cost of the inauguration:

Turns out that cost isn't much different than any past ones including security...