Wednesday, October 08, 2008

One of my favorites...

Who doesn't like something for free? I added a link to the side bar for a fun website - Absurdly Cool Freebie Finder. Everyday they update with different types of freebies. You just sign up to receive the ones you want. Make sure you always check the box saying you do not want to receive more information from the companies, then you won't get junk mail - I promise.



Meredith said...

Dan and Andrea are always laughing at me because I am constantly asking if they want something - you want free granola,? how about a shopping bag? Theraflu? and Kashi cookie?

There are some good things that pop up on here. Another website to play on while sitting on conference calls ;-)

Paul said...

Conference calls suck!! Good web site though I have a few free things on their way now, including a Schick Quattro! is a similar web site that has good deals, limited time offers, posted daily by users. A lot of electronics/computer stuff though because I think most of their users are techies!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that was more fun than I've had in a long time! I just got one of everthing! (Well, almost everything)LOL! I just can't turn down a freebie!