Monday, March 12, 2007

All Settled in California - Part 2

So here are the last few pictures of my apartment...

Here is another view of my living room...the TIVO is the most important part of this picture!

I love my porch! It's perfect for reading and enjoying a nice glass of wine - and it's really big!

Here is my bedroom. It isn't as cute as my furniture but it's good enough for 8 months!

So you can see the only part of the apartment that isn't unpacked is my dresser...because apparently jewelry boxes aren't in season? Very strange...

I have a really big bathroom too! Lots of storage space of all of my J&J goodies from the e-store!

So that's it. Casa de Andrea is ready for visitors!!!


Peg and Don said...

Looks good, Andrea. You already have made it feel like home. Be careful of that CA sun....

Meredith said...

Mark us down on the calendar....we should be arriving May 24th or 25th and staying until June 3!

Dan said...

I totally agree that the TiVo is the most important thing in the apartment.

Andrea said...

651 Franklin Street - Apt 4210
Mountain View CA 94041

Peg and Don said...

Just checked you out on Google Earth. We can see a huge pool to the north of your complex and another smaller one just to the east. Too many trees in the way to see your place though.

If you haven't checked out Google Earth, you need to. Type in an address and watch the thing zoom in on your selection.

Andrea said...

The big pool would be the community pool...filled with little kids pee. You can put a large amount of money on the fact that I WON'T EVER!!! be going in that pool!