Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My life lately

Hey everyone,

I never write on here anymore, so I thought I would let you all know that I'm still alive and well. I just got back from Spring Break playing Ultimate Frisbee in Savannah Georgia. We stayed on Tybee Island outside of Savannah and it was gorgeous and sooo much fun! I'm sad to be back at school, but Spring is finally here, so it'll be ok. Only 6 more weeks until the end of the semester and then I get to go to Vegas for a vacation with my friend's family and then enjoy the summer working (I don't know where yet).

Guess who's coming to speak at my school in May . . . the Dalai Lama! Isn't that crazy? I still don't understand why, but Smith and Hampshire students and faculty are the only people who can go, so I'm going to get to see the Dalai Lama and listen to a speech. I just thought that was cool and thought I would let you all know.

Love you all,

P.S. I won a free round trip ticket to Boston today, maybe I'll visit Paul soon :)


Anonymous said...

You Better!

Andrea said...

Hey Julie - The CIO at my new company is a Smith Alumni - she wants to know what house you live in. She said she goes back and speaks a lot - you should definitely go and see her!!!

Julie said...

Andrea, I live in Talbot House. Let me know when she comes here and I'll go see her.

Anonymous said...

Is the Dalai Lama the one with two humps or one?