Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mommy likes to show off Claire :-)

Well, we are settling in at home. Claire sleeps like a champ which gives Dan and I a chance to catch up on our sleep as well. Once we put her down we have to set an alarm to wake her up in the middle of the night to feed her and then she passes out again until I wake her in the morning to eat. I am sure this won't last long, but we are enjoying it while it lasts!

We have already been to the pediatrician twice and to the hospital once for blood work. Claire cried when they did the blood test, but was fine as soon as I picked her up again. Same thing with her Hepatitis B shot - half a second of tears and then she was fine. Her slight jaundice seems to be much better today, and the pediatrician wasn't worried, so why should we?

Here are some more pictures...I can't help it if we find the need to take tons of pictures :-)

Grandma has been a huge help! But she also needs her rest, and what better way to get it than with Claire on her chest?

Swaddle? This girl can break her hands free in about 2 seconds! She loves to sleep with her arms above her head. This is how we usually find her in the cradle.
Dressed up to head to the pediatrician for the first time. Her outfit was a little big (or maybe Claire is just little)
This picture was taken Tuesday night. I don't know if you can tell, but her hair keeps getting lighter and lighter. I know there are a lot of pictures with her eyes open, but that is rare. She is a sleeper like her Mommy!
Claire loves her daddy (and his hair cut!)


Anonymous said...

Good pictures Mere. Keep them coming. Tell Claire that I miss her!

Andrea said...

Also - Claire peed on Grandma yesterday during her very first bath at was pretttttttty funny!!! Dan wasn't quick enough to get the action shot but we did get the after evidence. Why do we have a feeling that would only be acceptable for Claire to do? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures...can't wait to meet to all Favorite Aunite Paula

Anonymous said...

Keep the pictures coming....She is beautiful..can't wait to meet her.