Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Friday!

Finally, it's Friday! Was this week exceptionally painful for anyone else? It was pretty miserable for me! Anyways, I thought I would steal some pictures from Mere and show them since she hasn't yet and I think they are cute and funny....

This one goes in my all time favorite list! She is just too cute. I always force the guy I work with to look at pictures (I think he secretly likes it) and he is convinced Claire is going to be a model. I feel as if Daddy wouldn't be a big fan of that idea.

Speaking of Daddy...I think this picture is wicked funny!

And last but not least, Halloween weekend we went to Boston for the Clemson/BC game. For the first time in 4 years, we were actually happy with the outcome. We hadn't beat BC since 1958 until this year! Here are some pictures we took to entertain ourselves during the game!

Although Peggy doesn't look thrilled to be at the game...she really is. Especially since she got to sit next to Andy during the game. Who is Andy you ask? He would be the random Clemson student who happened to park next to Mere, Kris, Dan, Kate and Andrea who proceeded to have lunch with us, go to the bar with us, and sit with us at the game - right between Mom and Mere. It was pretty funny. You may want to let Adam know he may have some competition! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey ABge..How was your flight. I wish that somenody had told me to take off the Where's Waldo hat for the pictures. It did keep me warm though...Thanks Dan!

I miss Andy!

Anonymous said...

And I haven't had my coffee yet...sorry for the bad typing!

Meredith said...

Yeah, so I've been slack - what can I say? And I agree that the picture of Dan singing in Claires feet is pretty funny! Oh, what fun bath time brings! :-)

Andrea - time for some glare resistant glasses my friend!

Dave said...

Glad you guys got to see one of the few Clemson wins this year. Were these pictures taken from your seats or the endzone camera platform? At least you got to sit with Tiger fans.